Editorial illustrations

In recent years I made many editorial illustrations for newspapers, books and magazines. More and more illustrations are used online, but luckily there are also magazines that are actually printed. The best part - for me as an illustrator - is of course illustrating a large part of the magazine; so that it becomes one story. You can also see a few examples of colurful editorial illustrations below and in the rest of my illustration portfolio. 

Editorial illustration: for National Geographic Magazine / Traveler.

magazine editorial illustration for National Geographic - Traveler
Illustration Traveler.
Text: Toine Heijmans

An colurful editorial illustration about the Himalayas, which have become something of an attraction due to the influx of tourists. I used bright colors that contrast well with the white of the snow.

Editorial illustrations: for SNP Magazine (Nature Travel Magazine)

Illustrations for SNP Magazine.

For SNP Natuurreizen I made travel illustrations for Kees Lucassen's story during a cycling tour in Puglia in southern Italy.

For these illustrations I was inspired by the white of the Italian villages and the bright colors of the plants and flowers

Editorial Illustration: for Runner's World Magazine

magazine editorial  illustration Runners Magazine
Illustration: for Runners World magazine
The inspiring text was written by Dolf Jansen.
editorial illustration
I drew this colurful editorial illustration with colored pencil (Caran d'ache Pablo) in winter tones and ink. Below is a video of the making of and a few more scatter illustrations.

On this website you mainly see illustrations that have been published and finished. In this video you can see how an illustration is created. I share more videos like this on my Instagram page. www.instagram.com/melanie_drent

editorial illustration - scatter illustration

In addition to full-screen illustrations, you can also have scatter illustrations made. Scattered illustrations bring some life next to and near the text. They are usually based on the main illustration. I made these two illustrations for the article by Dolf Jansen.

scatter illustration in magazine

Editorial Illustrations for: Lang Leve de Kunst Bookazine
(Lang Leve de Kunst Bookazine means in english: Long live the art Book Magazine)

illustrator for magazine editorial illustrations
Illustrations for Lang Leve de Kunst Bookazine:
Seniors in the lead.
I made a series of editorial illustrations about the elderly for this Bookazine.

hand drawn illustration in magazine
These colurful editorial illustration are combined with black lines and the colors of the house style in the magazine.
Graphic design of the magazine: Studio-10.nl

magazine illustration
Melanie Drent - hand drawn magazine illustration

Illustration for Rotterdampas magazine

An edition of the Rotterdampas magazine had the theme 'City jungle'. A theme that was written for me. That meant drawing lots of greenery, animals & houses.What does Rotterdam look like if there is a lot of greenery? When the city is overgrown by jungle? The Maas as a tropical river on which swans from Plaswijck Park sail. Below is the inner spread of Rotterdampasmagazine where I illustrated 12 places in Rotterdam as one big colurful editorial illustration. The target group of this magazine is mainly children.
magazine illustration in color, hand drawn
For the illustration of Rotterdampasmagazine I drew all the animals separately and later put together the drawing in photoshop. That means I made this illustration in large format. This illustration is now also available as a high-quality print in a format of 50 x 70 cm and 40 x 50 cm. You will find the print here
Below is an image of how detailed the illustration is. 
Rotterdams magazine illustration City Jungle

Also looking for colurful editorial illustration for your magazine or story? I make custom illustrations for every project.

Call me Email me
hand drawn illustration in color for magazine

Illustration for cycling map: Sjees

illustration for biking map
Illustration for the cycling map of Sjees.
For 076 bicycles, Municipality of Zundert and Sjees, I made an illustration on behalf of Sunshine apples about the cycling routes in this map. Cycle route 1 is the Spinola route. Cycle route 2 goes from Breda to Zundert and called the Van Gogh Route. Van Gogh lived there.
cover illustration
Spinola and Van Gogh during the key handover. A modern version. 

illustration by professional illustrator Melanie Drent
Illustration for the cycling map of Sjees.
For 076 bicycles, Municipality of Zundert and Sjees, I made an illustration on behalf of Sunshine apples about the cycling routes in this map. Cycle route 1 is the Spinola route. Cycle route 2 goes from Breda to Zundert.
cycling map in detail
Detail of map.

Illustration Melanie Drent |Design Nanda Verpaalen | Sunshine & Apples
| Copywriter @pmvangentbreda | PastFuture

Cover for Rotterdampasmagzine

cover illustration magazine

Illustrations for Margriet Magazine

creator of magazine illustrations
magazine illustration
Above you see the Magriet Magazine. This illustration is about the internet and social media in healthcare. Why sit in that crowded waiting room when you can also consult an e-consultation? Text: Dorien Dijkhuis.

Illustrations and portraits for: "Ik ook van jou" magazine
('Ik ook van jou' means in English: 'I love you too'. It.s a Magazine about loving)

editorial illustrations in spread
Illustration and portraits for: Me too from you magazine.
A magazine about love: 'I love you too'. Full of recognizable stories interspersed with scientific studies. I made portraits of Einstein, John Lennon, Maria Thérese, Woody Allen and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutten with their love quotes.
handgetekende illustratie Albert Einstein
"Love is a better master than duty" - Albert Einstein.

Illustration portrait John Lennon
"We are against the gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just leave it in the cupboard. You have to keep watering it" - John Lennon.

Magazine illustration John Lennon
"Love is a better master than duty" - Albert Einstein.

Line illustration portrait Mark Rutte
"I already have so much to plan for my work. I don't do that in love. You don't have to, after all, you never know who you'll run into" - Mark Rutte

Magazine illustratie Woody Allen
"Love is the answer. But while you're waiting for the answer, sex asks you some fun questions" - Woody Allen.

Illustrations and infographics for: P magazine

See P magazine below. This special is about Living Wage. I made the Cover, infographics and illustrations that illustrate the living wage situation in African countries. In addition, I made a font especially for this that was used in the infographics.This magazine has been used internationally.
Magazine cover illustration
Magazine illustration
Infographic illustration
The infographic above shows how much money in total from the rose goes to the African workers, the rose grower, the transport, the auction, the wholesaler and the flower trade & supermarket. Numbers are indicated in euros. In this way it is also (visually) good to see how little the African workers get.
creator for editorial illustrations for magazines
infographic illustration part of supply-chain
illustration drawing

Illustration for Vers Beton 
(Vers Beton is a Dutch online newspaper. Vers Beton means in English: Fresh Conrete)

Starting this summer, I will be working with André Baerdemaker (ecologist at the Natural History Museum) on a new column that focuses on an urban animal in need every month. Below the first animal that is central; namely the smeared swan in the Botlek. The Botlek is a port and industrial area in Rotterdam. And the white swans fell victim to a leaking sea ship. This column is always published online.
Swan illustration magazine editorial
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