
Line drawings form the basis of all my drawings. Sometimes I supplement them with color, more pen detail or more black, but the basis is always the line.Have a line drawing made? On this page you will find a small and diverse selection from the line drawings I made.These line illustrations can work well for your magazine, book or packaging. Or have a beautiful line drawing made of yourself, your family, your newborn child, or pet.I would be happy to work for you as an illustrator.

lijntekeningen laten maken

I draw line drawings by hand and with a black pen.

They are then scanned in at high resolution.

lijntekening Tavolata

Illustration: Tavolata for a Swiss wine brand in Valais.

You can find more about this illustration at Brand illustration & packaging.

lijntekening social media

Illustration: The Influence of Social Media

You can also find more examples at book illustration

lijntekening symbiose

Illustration: Symbiosis

line drawings as portraits for: 'Ik ook van jou' magazine.

A magazine about love: 'I love you too'. Full of recognizable stories interspersed with scientific studies. I made line drawings of Einstein, John Lennon, Maria Thérese, Woody Allen and Mark Rutte for their love quotes.

"Love is a better master than duty" -Albert Einstein.

lijntekening Woody Allen

"Love is the answer. But while you wait for the answer, sex asks you some fun questions" -Woody Allen.

lijntekening John Lennon

"We got the gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just leave it in the cupboard. You have to keep watering it" -John Lennon.

lijntekening patroon zwemmers

Line drawing: as a pattern.

Line drawing: on a sweater

lijntekening rooftop Melanie drent
Line drawing: of the Skyline of Rotterdam for the Rotterdamse Dakendagen event.
Rotterdamse Dakendagen is an event where you can visit rooftops in Rotterdam that are normally inaccessible.

lijntekening bluegrass

line drawing: two ladies at the Bluegrass festival in Rotterdam

lijntekening bluegrass mannen

Line drawing: two gentlemen at the Bluegrass festival in Rotterdam

lijntekening kasteel van Breda

line drawing: Breda castle for the book

Breda Folktales

lijntekening ober

Line drawing: Waiter on the stairs

lijntekening flamingo in zwembad

Line drawing: Flamingo

lijntekening skyline Breda

Line drawing: Breda Skyline

I drew the skyline and the beautiful towers of Breda in fine black ink lines.

This is also available as a high quality artprint in my Online store

(40 x 50 cm) and (50 x 70 cm)

lijntekening ballonnen

Line drawing: 'In 7 steps to a rich life'

(book illustration for the book of the same name by writer Iris Brik)

lijntekening close-up

Line drawing: flowers and buildings for the Rotterdam Event Hidden Gardens. A popular event in Rotterdam that is held annually in the second weekend of June.

lijnillustratie Aboutaleb

Line drawing: Aboutaleb at the Breytenbach tree in Rotterdam.

Rotterdam Routes has expanded the app with an Aboutaleb route. In his new walking app he tells about this boom. This one is planted in 1833 and was renamed 'monument of free thought' in 1986 by the South African poet Breyten Breytenbach

(Illustration for the Newspaper Vers Beton)

patroon illustratie in lijnen

Line drawing: an associative autumn pattern

Line drawing: as an animation.

ToIn the background you can see the Haagsche Bluf in The Hague.

lijntekening in 1 lijn

Line drawing in 1 line: City in the Park.

Commissioned by the National Park City Foundation in London and the Municipality of Breda.

lijntekening in spot UV

Line drawing: of the skyline of Breda printed in Spot-UV lacquer.

lijntekening schip

Line drawing: for Ferry Experts.

Illustration is designed for t-shirts and sweaters.

lijntekening slang

Line drawing: the moment you unravel the garden hose and you can no longer find the starting point.

lijntekening hittegolf

Line drawing: Heat wave in The Netherlands

lijntekening slang

Breda Jazzfestival.

lijntekening hittegolf

Ferry Big.

Do you want a line drawing

have it made?

There are many possibilities for having a line drawing made. Please contact me to discuss your requirements. I would be happy to help you with illustrations for your project.

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lijntekening laten maken

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